Dream Fellow O'the Little Lodge *Rohan*

Geboren: 21 november 2013

MDR1 +/+



Halte's Skerlad Sir Ywain

Not for Sale from Lady Lucia

Indian Fire from Lady Lucia

Ricky 't Wijnmeer
Wild Black Fire from Lady Lucia

Hazy Dawn's Coral Dawn

Evros Indian Summer Such
Chiroskas Twiddle

Bell Flower Dancing Queen

Milesend Dancing Major

Tegwel Wild Ways of Sandwick
Milesend Dancing Along

Bell Flower Flora Donja

Marklin Wild Jester
Bell Flower Bella Donja
Rambling Rose O'the Little Lodge


Green Paradise Send from Heaven

Lord Leeroy from Erkelenzer Land

Gwensigor's Hey I'm A Major Too
Dreamgirl Debby von Erkelenzer Land

Estelle from the Green Paradise

Mehalah Merry Man
Zoe from Lady Lucia

Kiss me Quick O'the Little Lodge

Milesend Broomhouse Antique Gold

Milesend Gold Edition
Milesend Stormgirl

Audrey's Dream O'the Little Lodge

Mister Magoo of Blue Tails
Bell Flower Bundle of Mischief


5 april 2014 Utrecht 1 veel belovend, beste baby

